Saint Augustines School | Donate to Saint Augustine’s School
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Donate to Saint Augustine’s School

Saint Augustine’s school continues to strive for excellence in special education. We are currently working on raising funds for projects such as a new sensory room and development of our sports facilities.  All donations are welcome. Saint Augustine’s  school Board of Management would like to thank everyone who has donated their time and energy to support fundraising in the past and we look forward to working with you again in the future. We would like to thank our students, staff and parents for their efforts in supporting our school.

David O’Brien, Principal

A word on security

On the Saint Augustine’s School website we use Donorbox to process our donations.  Donorbox uses Stripe’s secure token mechanism. Card numbers are tokenized (the number is changed to a undecipherable string eg `tok_fafds23423′) before we charge the card. Saved cards & bank account for recurring donations are also tokenized. Therefore, Donorbox doesn’t have ANY record of the donor’s card number in our database and logs. That means hackers will never get the sensitive card or bank information from us.

The transmission between the donors, the donorbox form, and Stripe is encrypted using 256bit SSL/TLS. Stripe is one the most secure and trusted payment provider. It is used by Twitter, Shopify, Kickstarter, and Lyft.