Saint Augustines School | Leisure and Recreation Programme
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Leisure and Recreation Programme

Sports & Recreation:

Students have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of physical and recreational activities and are encouraged to participate in such activities outside Saint Augustine’s in their own communities.

It is hoped this will give them the knowledge and confidence to lead active, healthy lifestyles. Additionally, N.C.V.A. modules in Health Related Fitness, Outdoor Pursuits and Swimming are offered to students.

Music & Drama:

The Music & Drama programme offered to students includes a wide range of activities with the emphasis on enjoyment and participation. This programme is viewed mainly as a creative opportunity; however FETAC Components in Music and Drama may be offered to students.

Leisure and Social Outings:

Opportunities are also available, throughout the year for students to visit community facilities and take part in leisure pursuits e.g. hill walking, pitch n’ putt, visiting museums, libraries, places of historical and cultural interest, as well as more everyday activities such as shopping and visiting restaurants.

Festina Lente Mobile Equine Outreach Programme

Many of our students have been participating in this programme over 2016-2017 & 2017-2018.  Students get the opportunity to care for the horses on campus.  This outreach programme serves to support students’ social and emotional well being while learning how to care for the horses.

Ponies from Festina Lente visit Saint Augustine's School